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Frequently Asked Questions

I haven't brought a ticket online, can I still come?


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.


We sell a cheaper ADVANCE ticket for keen early birds for only £10 which is for use before 10pm. 


£12 before 10pm, £15 after. No entry after midnight. 


We recommend arriving early for bigger events such as Valentine's and Halloween.


Advance tickets are non-refundable, but you can try and sell them to other Indulgers on our facebook group.


I'm new/coming alone. Help!

Trust me, you are not alone! We ALL have straight sized friends who just don't 'get it'. A huge portion of our regs were in the same situation, and now they're total advocates and here to help anyone else in the same situation! We have a Facebook group and a discord channel where you can chat to other Indulgers online, and we have a pre-meet before each event.

However, nothing is quite like just walking in, and saying 'Hello! I'm new!' and enjoying the best welcome ever :) 





Who runs Club Indulge?

Me! I do! My name's Miranda, you will see me at most events on the door. Say Hi, bring me your favourite book and we'll be friends. We don't have anything to do with other events as I set up Indulge in protest of the creepy cattle markets that are unfortunately marketed towards plus size people. My aim with Indulge is to give people a better quality of choice and enjoy an atmosphere where confidence is built through community and camaraderie with other plus size party animals. 



Do I have to be a member?

No, we're not a 'members only' club, you can just turn up to events! If you want to meet other regulars, we always recommend joining our facebook group, or seeing what's on our meet up page.
**UPDATE** You do not have to be a member of Club Indulge for our club nights, but if you want to join our spicy sister event 'Indulge:After Dark', you will need to be an After Dark member. Details on the After Dark page. 


Is there disabled access?

Unfortunately events held at The Windsor have steps leading down into the venue. We are always working hard to find accessible venues, but a lot are still reassessing private events after the Panny-D. If you run one we can use, email us at!


I don't like crowds or loud music.

A lesser mortal might gently suggest you veer away from events based around club nights. Fortunately we use venues which are big enough for you to find a quiet little corner, or sit outside. Plus we also recommend the Big Weekends, where you can party/rest whenever you want.



How many people turn up?

Alas, I have no crystal ball so can't ever give you a definitive answer. Plus we like to think that quality over quantity is better any day of the week.​



I'm not plus size, can I come?

Sure! We welcome all shapes and sizes. However, guys - don't be a creep. You can avoid that in a myriad of ways; joining our facebook group, or coming to a meet-up is a great way to start! You can find details of those on our 'Meet-us' page.


However, if you just want to come and be a creep because you think fat girls are easy, you are not welcome at Indulge.  


What kind of music do you play?


Cheese! All the cheese! From 80's/90's/00 right up to todays chart music. There are plenty of other clubs that exclusively play RnB and bashment, so we're more Bon Jovi & Britney.


What's the dress code?


Ladies - whatever you feel comfortable in, or anything you never had the guts to wear at a 'normal' club.

Gents - remember that our girls look stunning and go to a lot of effort, and I expect the same.

We also have loads of themed events through the year where fancy dress is not obligatory, just lots of fun!


Where can I stay overnight?


If you are looking for accommodation recommendations for our club night events, our guests usually stay at CITY ROAD TRAVELODGE, or head to our Accommodation page. 



Can you be part of our documentary?


Nope. They've proven time and time again to be time sucking, fatphobic bullshit. 



Are you open tonight?


We are not a Nightclub open throughout the year, instead we cater for One-Off events, which you can see on the Event page.



Do I need to print my ticket?

Nope, we will have your name on the door :) If you want to, you can keep a screenshot of the ticket just in case, but we want to save ink and trees. 



Is it one of *wink wink, nudge nudge* THOSE kind of clubs?


Club Indulge does not host adult parties, but we are dipping our toes into spicier events with our new 'After Dark' events. Please do not get the two mixed up!​

Club Indulge is a normal club night like any other. If you want to explore something a bit more adult, you MUST be a member of 'Indulge: After Dark'





Subscribe to keep up to date with our events. 

For instant updates, join our Whatsapp Announcement group HERE.

Thanks for submitting!

Do you run an accessible club venue or hotel anywhere in the UK? We'd love to work with you - just drop us an email!

@ Rec-creation 2025

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